15 Photography Pinterest Boards for Photography Ideas

Pinterest for Photography

Pinterest is a fantastic tool for photography inspiration. I’m constantly using it to collect ideas for future photo shoots. When a new project or client comes up, I can refer to my boards and pull ideas to create a custom mood board with example colors, poses, settings and more. Here are 15 boards that I’ve built for various photography types. Continue reading

Top 10 Influential Photographers Who Inspire Me the Most

Photo Road trip

Photo by my Dad, Wendell Richardson around 1989. 35mm Film.

All of us are born “Camera Stupid.” I remember a few of the road trips my family took me on when I was a young boy. I remember the feeling of awe when looking out over an overlook at the incredible vastness, richness, and detail this Earth provides us. I remember having the desire to capture and save those moments forever. At the time photography for me was just something fun to do. A way to look back and remember the fun times we had.

I had no idea how to get the camera to take a photo that more closely matched what my eye saw. I had no awareness of the vast world of commercial photography. Yup, just like everyone, I was born “Camera Stupid.”

That slowly started to change when the various people in my life started teaching me about photography.

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